General Information
Our official school day begins at 7:45 a.m. Please help us keep our students safe by not leaving him/her on school grounds before 7:15 a.m. unattended. If a student arrives after the 7:45 bell rings they must go by the front desk for a tardy slip. It is very important that students are in the classrooms and ready to learn. Interruptions impact the entire classroom.
Students arriving between 7:15 and 7:40 a.m. should report to the gym, or report to the cafeteria if they are eating breakfast. Breakfast is a good opportunity for students to get a healthy start to their day. Once a student chooses to go to the gym or cafeteria, they must stay there until students are dismissed for class at 7:40. Teachers begin instruction promptly at 7:45.
All parents must read the CES dismissal form that will go home in the beginning of the year packet and designate how their child will go home each afternoon. Official dismissal time at Clinton Elementary School is 2:45 p.m. for all students. If your child enrolls in Clinton Elementary School at a later date than the beginning of the year, be make sure that you receive and return the dismissal form.
All students should be picked up from school no later than 3:00 p.m. A parent must come in and sign out any child left at school after 3:00.
Drop Off
Parents may drop students off in front of the school at the main entrance doors or at the awning door at the back of the school. Both areas are manned with supervision for your child's safety. DO NOT pull in the second lane to drop off a student in the back. This places your student in harm in oncoming traffic for the correct drop off lane. Please do not use the parking areas for a drop-off as this is also a safety concern. Again, only use the lanes closest to the school for drop off. Since parking is limited, please do not park just to walk your child into the building if you are not staying for a prearranged conference or attending breakfast. All visitors must sign in upon arrival.
Please be aware that specific areas in the front of the school are designated for daycare pickup. We ask that you follow the direction of the staff members in terms of traffic flow. This is important for the safety of the students, staff members, and citizens driving in the area roadways.
Parents picking up students in the K-1 car line are asked to follow these procedures. Students are not dismissed until 2:45, so we ask that you don't arrive until at least 2:30. This area is designated as a fire lane. Upon arrival, please fill up the lane closest to the sidewalk first before closing off the left lane. We need to keep the left lane clear in the event of an emergency. We have had events where staff members or parents with ill children have been trapped in the car line. Please adhere to this procedure.
We also ask that parents not come into the building to wait for their children in the afternoon. This poses a traffic and safety concern, and it increases the number of people in our busy hallways at dismissal. Our staff members and crossing guard will help your child get across the road safely. By following the traffic line on Hicks Street, you will be able to drive through to get your child at the fence making it easier on you.
Students in grades K-1 must be dismissed through the car line in the back of the school. If your K-1 student has an older sibling, they are also more than welcome to be dismissed through the car line in the back of the school. During the first week of school each student will be given two cards with their names on them. Please give a card to the person picking up your child to be placed in the window during pickup to help make this process go smoothly. All cars without these cards will be asked to go into the office to verify identification and to sign out the student, even if we are familiar with you. We will be more than happy to make multiple cards for you if more than two are needed. Please help us keep everyone safe by cooperating with this policy.
Car rider students in grades 2-6 will be dismissed in the front of the school beginning at 2:45. All students in grades 2-6 will be seated in the gym until their name is called when their ride arrives. A car tag will be given to each student and will be required for verification purposes when someone is picking up your child. Additionally, it is helpful if parents follow the direction of the staff and move up as directed, so that traffic can move more freely.