Mrs. Jenna Sharp
(865) 457-0616 FAX · (865) 457-1024
Welcome to Clinton Elementary School
Welcome to the beginning of a wonderful year of learning at Clinton Elementary School. We are excited about the opportunity to guide your child for this upcoming academic journey. Below is some important information to help with your transition into a new school year.
Morning Drop Off/ Pick-Up Procedures
Parents may drop students off in the back of the school in the car rider line. Students will also be able to enter through the front door by the office. Students need to exit the vehicle through the door closest to the school for safety purposes. PLEASE do not use any parking areas for drop off points and do not pull into the second lane of traffic in the back to drop your child off. This places your child in great danger of stepping into the designated oncoming flow of traffic. Additionally, we will be adding a gate to the back drive this year. The gate will allow for a greater measure of student safety. This will mean that after 8:00, all students will be checked in and out through the front entrance. More information will be provided once the fence is in place.
We will send home pick up ID cards with each student in all grades the first week of school. Please take note that all children will be bringing home two pickup cards with the child’s name on it. Parents and guardians are asked to please display these cards in the front windshield of your car. This will help us load students more efficiently. After the first few days of school, students will not be allowed to be picked up without these cards and parents will be sent to the office to sign the student out. We may require proof of ID any time someone comes into the building. Students in grades K-1 will be picked up in the back of the school through the car rider line, and students in grades 2-6 will be dismissed and are to be picked up in the front of the school. All parents/guardians are asked to use the proper procedures for picking up students. Once again, please know that we can require an ID when coming into the office. You will need to fill out the “beginning of the year dismissal form” with your signature/permission indicating that your child is to walk home if that is the desired dismissal plan for your child.
New Staff/Staff Changes
Staff Changes
Kindergarten- Dominique Chitwood
Kindergarten- Brandi Poore
2nd Grade- Patty Beets
2nd Grade- Amanda McAmis
3rd Grade- Ashley Brock
4th Grade- Ellie (Shaw) Martin
CDC-2- Joe French
CDC Assistant- Wendy Edwards
Teaching Assistant- Brandi Warwick
Teaching Assistant- Alex Billings
We are looking forward to a wonderful school year. Please plan to join us on July 31st from 3:30-5:30 PM for Open House, with a Federal Program Meeting at 3:00 in the CES Cafeteria. Please note our first half day, dismissal at 11:30, is August 2nd. The first full day with students is August 5th. You are always welcome to contact me with any questions that you may have. You can also contact your child’s teacher with any questions by signing up for the CCS app link below!
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Jenna Sharp, Principal
Abbey Kidwell , Assistant Principal